with love, sun, water and lots of cow poop!
radishes r all canned,
lettuce is getting low, carrots r just about there,peas r in the freezer

beans r full, tomatoes huge but still green, spinach frozen, onions still eating
cukes r on the vines , beets oh yeah, waiting to be pickled, sun flowers r tall and still growing!

squash, well what can i say!

welcome to my little corner of the world

gardening is housework done outside

bless my bloomers

junque' garden

view from the front
At 7:19 AM,
Amber & James said…
THAT IS AMAZING! its huge, do you just eat out of it every day? good job, you should start a road side stand!
At 12:47 PM,
saidlimerick said…
yummmmm. i want some veggies!
At 12:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am a bit jealous.
OK, a lot. nice work!
At 6:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am over the top jealous! I really used to like you too but now I feel so inadequate! I would show you my garden but it would make you laugh so hard you might pee your pants.....
-to inadequate to sign my name but I will sign it...
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