local headlines

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

a nice couple live here!

mr. and mrs. snowman from otsego mn.
live here, for now any way. until the snow melts and the flowers spring up.

just some misc. pictures from amber's visit...

dexter enjoying his 17th xmas with us! even tho he's not too sure what is really going on!
it's a guy thing, we wouldn't understand...

old man ravin enjoying the day with his warm coat on!

ravin and jamez begging at the door
frosty and his girl friend enjoying the minnesota weather
check out old frosty through the kitchen window waving to the neighbors!

a day at the park in minnesota!

phil checking out the ice on the river! idiot gosh!!
looking up from crow river to path
crow river half frozen
check out the frozen lake behind amber and jamez with the tall prairie grass dusted with snow..
walking in crow hassen park enjoying the brisk air and snowy atmosphere...

just a day at the airport!

maybe santa put something in these candy canes?
looks like this elf has had one too many??? the guy behind her looks a little surprised too!
now this is a happy reindeer, don cha know!
can u imagine being greeted by santa clause, an elf and a reindeer at the airport?

Friday, December 08, 2006

mission: find a tree.

ohhhhh christmas treee!

ahaa! we found the perfect tree.
after the trimming.

lights lights lights!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Ya, it's a chilly Blue Christmas Tree Day in December in Minnesota. Wish you were here! Don Cha Knowww! Temperature here is 10 degrees! To be exact, You Bet!